I recently relocated back to North Wales after living in Uganda for the past decade. I’m from the flat lands of Suffolk originally but the mountains of Snowdonia having been calling to me and now it’s a small village near Llanberis that I call home.

It’s well known amongst my friends that I don’t do things by halves. Whether it’s white water kayaking, being a mum, or wedding photography, I give it my all. I get passionate. I get geeky.
I thrive on exploration, of the great outdoors, of knowledge and of people and relationships.
I live for adventure and for me that doesn’t have to mean some high adrenaline extreme activity. It can simply be running on muddy trails on a quiet Sunday morning or taking my toddler out on his balance bike.
I’m a firm believer in doing what’s right for you and not playing by the rules that society lays out for us. You be you, and I’m here to photograph just that. I’m here to document the magic moments that unfold naturally. I’m here to capture you.
I’m inspired by my couples and families, by their love and connection. For me, it’s not about numbers, it’s not about shooting as many weddings or sessions as possible or about being busy busy busy. It’s about quality, it’s about being able to give you my all, it’s about leading a life that’s full of play, growth and connection every day.